Calendar February 6, 2017 02:12

A Bird’s Eye View Of Roman Architectural Rendering Companies

The atrium with the surrounding chambers was purely built in Roman style. Architectural Rendering Companies For the latter purpose the macellum was developed, a market building with shops all around a pillared court.

Bird View Architectural Rendering Companies
Bird View Architectural Rendering Companies

Most insulate were fitted with wooden or concrete balconies. The latter domes also possessed an upper story built both around the atrium and the epistle. Architectural Visualization Firms The epistle, such as in the domes of Vetted at Pompeii, encompassed the family living room. The common activities of the family took place in the atrium. The domes consisted of a few rooms built around an atrium. Renters in the higher flats had to make do with public sanitation and water facilities. Roads and streets ran on parallels and met in the center, comparable with New York. 3D Architectural Visualisation The insular was fabricated with stones or bricks and covered with concrete and often had five or more stories; despite legislation that stipulated against structures higher than 21 meters, or 18 meters in the time of Trajan. In, or close to, the center laid the so-called forum, the hub of Roman culture.

Front View- Architectural Visualization Firms
Front View- Architectural Visualization Firms

Cheap construction and a shortage of water caused numerous collapses and fires. Architectural Rendering Studio Around the court of columns were situated the Orcus (reception), the cubicula (sleeping rooms), the alee (niches for private conversations), the triclinic (dining rooms).The Romans fabricated two kinds of houses, the domes and the insulate chambers around it were meant for relaxation and conversation. In the time of the Caesars it was customary to make the forum as large as possible, to provide space for all sorts of events. Architectural Visualization Company Moreover mention is made of these buildings by Roman authors. A broad walkway, the faucets, was situated at the side of the tablinum to provide easy access to the epistle. Also there were forums especially for the sale of meat or vegetables. Often more rooms were added at the back around a court with columns, the epistle.

Pool View - 3D Architectural Visualisation
Pool View – 3D Architectural Visualisation

Gradually around this other buildings were erected for specific civil, trade and religious activities.’), was the apartment building. Architectural Rendering Service Light came in from the outside windows and the courtyard. Excavations at Ostia, practically a suburb of Rome, attest to these things. The second kind of building, the insular (lit. The ground floors were usually reserved for different kinds of stores and craftsmen. The epistle was drawn up in Greek or Middle Eastern fashion. Exterior Rendering Services The first was the privilege of the affluent; the latter was an apartment building for the working class. Romans possessed a tremendous technique in the way of city planning. Between the atrium and the epistle there was the tablinum, an open living room that could be closed with a curtain. When a new city was laid out, its function, climate and geographical location were taken into account. Best Architectural Rendering Companies Pumps were used to transport water up, but did not reach above the lower stories. In the domes of Pansa at Pompeii the triclinic possess three couches for nine persons to lie on (as was customary for Romans); nine persons being the accepted number of guests for a Roman party.

In a great and ancient city as Rome itself there were different forums; each with its own objective, such as administration, justice, commerce and finance. Architectural Design Studio The atrium was an oblong room with an open roof. It could be reached from the street through the pyrethrum, an entrance with corridor. The insular provided cheap or affordable housing for workers in places where space was expensive and the population numerous. The insulate were designed for maximum use of space. Architectural Studio Characteristic of a Roman town (probably developed from earlier Italic towns in combination with the occupation of building an army camp) was its square layout.

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Calendar January 24, 2017 03:52

Architectural Animation Services practical information

Exterior architectural design outsourcing House View
Exterior architectural design outsourcing House View

They are now changing the world of building construction for the better. 3D animations and several forms of rendering techniques are mainly used. Architectural Animation Services The images can be played back as often as possible. Meanwhile, only well trained experts, artists and architects can make use of the 3D animation techniques. Oftentimes, architectural animation is used alongside architectural rendering. Both of them work hand in hand when it comes to building constructions and real estate development. Architectural Design Studio Well trained architects and artists usually use the technique in drawing building plans. It can be used in creating beautiful buildings with nice landscapes and other attractions right on the computer.

Courtyard View Architectural And Design Services
Courtyard View Architectural And Design Services

Diverse kinds of techniques are now used in the process. Architectural Studio This is meant to make the movie more real. Architectural animation involves the use of graphics and images in creating all kinds of buildings. Oftentimes, they have to work as teams before they can realize tangible results. During the creation of the movie clip, a computer-related environment can be included around the designed building. In the recent times, architectural animation services are highly demanded across the globe. At the end of the process, a unique movie clip is developed. Today, several associations of builders and architects are using the techniques. Architectural Modeling Firm Normally, the process requires a lot of time and energy. It can turn out to be a real movie that can be played on a camera or DVD. Several architects and artist use the two methods in creating all kinds of images and graphic designs meant for building construction. It’s also meant to bring out the real message of the created designs.

Modern 3D Modeling Companies of the Church
Modern 3D Modeling Companies of the Church

Today, 3D Animation Studio the techniques are used in city planning, landscape planning, 3D rendering, product simulation, design engineering, and a lot more. In most cases, they have to go through several training sessions before they can master the details of the techniques. 3D Modeling Companies Such techniques are engaged in servicing the needs of customers who require different kinds of building projects. Several firms have come into the business. Architectural animation refers to the art of creating architectural movies or buildings with a computer. Architectural Planing Companies Both techniques can be used in drawing gigantic building plans.

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Calendar January 16, 2017 05:44

Professionalism has importance In Architectural Visualization Companies

Beautify Exterior Apartment Architectural Rendering Studio
Beautify Exterior Apartment Architectural Rendering Studio

Finally, when presenting to a client, your design has to have wow factor. What can you offer clients that your competitors cannot? Architectural Visualization Companies There are several ways to do this: First and foremost, dress appropriately and display intelligence and confidence. Invest in a professionally designed website. Ask if the people working for the firm have experience in the industry and see if you can get some high resolution samples of their work to judge the quality. Be sure to do some research before selecting a visualization company. Home Plan Designer An extremely low price which is what some resort to, but it is not recommended – both for your own survival and the survival of the industry as a whole. Bidding low sends a message to potential clients that says “I’m not good at what I do, so I have to charge less than everyone else to get business. Promotional freebies perhaps, whether it be a slightly lower promotional price or a free knick-knack so people feel like they’ve won something. In my opinion, the Architectural Visualization Studio companies who lower their prices to sub-standard levels are not doing anything positive for their public images’ worth much), it will not obtain the higher-level clients that will help you to thrive and grow your business.

Luxury Modern Apartment Architectural Visualization Companies
Luxury Modern Apartment Architectural Visualization Companies

Most 3d visualization companies have websites online where you can compare their styles, Architectural Animation Services quality and prices. In today’s world of Architectural Rendering Studio, the designer needs stand out from the crowd in order to obtain clients. One way to produce the “wow” is by using 3d visualization, either as an image or an animation, to convey your design to the client. That is not a professional image and while it may get some clients (who will probably disrespect you, after all.

Courtyard Architectural And Design Services
Courtyard Architectural And Design Services

Next, have professionally designed cards, brochures and stationary printed. Architectural Visualization Company So how do we create a professional image? Join professional organizations – prospective clients search these websites to find design professionals and it will boost client confidence to see you as an accepted member of the profession. Since most designers do not have the time to invest learning new software or producing these renderings, Architectural Rendering Service a viable solution is outsourcing. Realistically, the best thing that we have to offer our clients as professionals is just that: professionalism.

Modern Commercial Building Architectural Rendering Studio
Modern Commercial Building Architectural Rendering Studio

In addition, websites are like a digital portfolio – you can reach more people and allow your work to speak for itself. Most designers have had extensive training and are extremely talented at what they do – we have paid our dues and that is worth more to a good client than extra knick-knacks or low prices. Your words, actions and appearance will do more to either boost or hinder your professional image than any of the following steps. Exterior Rendering Services Even if you do the entire above, if you deliver poorly, you can lose your client.

Luxury Exterior Apartment Architectural Animation Services
Luxury Exterior Apartment Architectural Animation Services

By outsourcing you eliminate the software and training costs, obtain a better product, and can devote your time to more profitable or urgent tasks. Not only can it show your design more realistically, but the technique itself is impressive and can help you to obtain premium clients. Architectural Animation Studio Having a well designed website displaying your work demonstrates competence and can give clients a sense of comfort. Bragging rights if you are famous.

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Calendar December 22, 2016 05:33

Tips For Making A Fruitful Restaurant Photo-Realistic Renderings Design

The brand and brand identity of an eatery is enlivened through its eatery plan. Photo-Realistic Renderings Firm What’s more, to achieve this eatery plan, it is required for one to be engaged, useful, welcoming and sufficiently reliable to accommodate extension, remodel and life span of the eatery outline.

3D Modern Restaurant Interior Design

What are the means required in making a successful eatery plan?

It is simply in the wake of having a very much characterized idea in the eatery would one be able to have a powerful eatery outline. Ensure that the eatery plan you make has life span. This implies it ought not to be an outline that is time based. It ought not to be modified over and again to adjust to patterns and customer needs. Photo-Realistic Renderings Studio Make a consistent and solid brand plan as could be expected under the circumstances. In consistency, it implies that everything in the eatery ought to continue as before; from the style to the plate presentation to the way of discourse utilized by the staff. Before starting creating on the eatery plan, the temporary worker needs to comprehend the administrator’s idea, advertise position and operational objectives of the eatery.

Bar - Restaurant interior View
Bar – Restaurant interior View

Consider on the off chance that you need to have a calm climate or an uproarious one in the eatery, and if the eatery is to be a formal one or an easygoing one; and afterward plan the eatery outline likewise. Interior Render Consider your forthcoming net revenue and contrast it and others in your specialty and make sense of how your deals will hop or fall with the expansion of a bar zone or alcohol in the eatery. Choose how quick you mean to convey sustenance to clients and in view of this, think about an eatery plan that takes into account most benefactors without giving up on administration.

Does area have an influence in the production of an eatery plan?

More often than not proprietors look for practical and noticeable spots with moderate rents and utilities for an eatery. Notwithstanding, it is similarly vital to perceive how your eatery will fit in its outer environment. Photorealistic Interior Rendering On the off chance that you have a solid idea, yet a powerless area, your eatery will come up short. Become more acquainted with your focused on client base and discover what they need and their feasting propensities, and fill that void appropriately.

Stylish 3D Restaurant Interior Rendering

Is spending plan essential for an eatery outline?

A sensible spending plan is required for a fruitful eatery outline. You can just breath life into your eatery idea by buying enough basics like gear and furniture, without winding up in insolvency. 3D Interior Rendering Services Make a move that obliges the unforeseen, as you wouldn’t have any desire to deplete your assets before your eatery opens or while it’s coming to fruition.

Restaurant with Coffee Shop interior design
Restaurant with Coffee Shop interior design

Whatever other focuses to think about for as an eatery outline?

Despite the fact that staffing is not a part of the quick development or stylistic theme, you ought not to hold back on it. This is on the grounds that the staff is the essential brand association you have with your customers. Architectural Design Studio Without their help, you just wind up gambling estranging your clients. In the wake of picking the perfect individuals, and preparing them well, you will see your vision better acknowledged and breathed life into completely. Prepare your staff well by sending them to workshops in item information and administration tips to guarantee that they legitimately pass on your idea to people in general. To guarantee life span of staff, make a workplace that energizes vocation development and broadly educating for different positions.

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Calendar August 20, 2016 07:17

Top Ten Architectural Design Studios in the World

Starting from high rise buildings to millennium star resorts & restaurants, new metrics have been a part and parcel of this emerging era. Who won the “Best Architectural Design Studio” award last year?A huge list of practices with an edge of latest technology and importantly, a diversified touch of implementation would make them stand apart in the market world over.

Almost every year, there is an array of architectural firms who stand ahead having massive revenue in numbers. Let us have a closer look at each of the best tagged Architectural Design Studios round the globe. These master minds have the capacity to reconcile the old traditional architectural systems while giving them a new conventional touch with their great architectural planning and designing skills using the best technology methods.

  1.  William Rawn Associates

This architectural design firm has built many civic buildings which reflect its amazing design techniques with successful architecture. Their team is supremely confident while designing and planning finest architectural buildings, hotels & restaurants, residential plots, commercial buildings and others while raising the bar for global design today & tomorrow.

  1.  Richard Bauer Architecture

Having special touch in building community centers, cultural buildings, educational as well government buildings, this firm has won plenty of awards in local, regional and international; that includes the American Institute of Architects National Honor Award for Architecture.  It was founded by James Richard and Kelly Bauer, FIIDA.

  1.  Perkins + Will

Since its inception year 1935, the team of accredited professionals has been building sustainable cultural, institutional, educational, government and healthcare buildings while making the use of healthy building materials. They have research focused design plan which has a humanistic approach to create dynamic places for people. They built high-end design that is well-researched in turn delivering meaningful experiences in their every project.

  1.  DLR Group

DLR has earned reputation round the globe as a promising and sustainable architectural design firm while leading a long-listed clientele ratio. Their core areas of design include sectors such as hospitality, sports, education, retail, offices, civic buildings, courts, energy services and few others. They have met the exceptional needs of the clients while supporting the initiatives & goals of 2030 Challenge.

  1.  Aero Studios

This architectural firm has a distinguished comfort zone exquisitely made for its clients coming from every corner of the world. Be it an academy, street house, hotel & gym, penthouse or a beach house, Aero Studios has marked its level with a backdrop of imitable art, antiques and furnishings for the people to live with modernism culture.

  1.  Atelier AM

Stepping in the time zone of modernity, this firm has purely maintained its focus upon regimented glamour  where the couple founders; Michael  and Alexandra Misczynski has been working smart on giant approaches. They have few king-size projects upcoming in Japan, California and Los Angeles.

  1.  Appleton Partners LLP-Architects

Taking inspiration from the huge as well as small traditionally built buildings in Italy, the firm founder of this firm Marc Appleton has a deep understanding of traditional art & design. And this has certainly been represented in his architecture designs for especially site-sensitive houses & hotels. Their sense of vernacular architecture has planned and designed residential, institutional and commercial projects for a number of clients.

  1.  Yantram Studio

Being equipped with the best of the talented architects, this company represents augmented reality into our real world. The word “physically live” fits in right when these experts use the innovative technology methods to create immersive buildings.

  1.  Bunny Williams Inc.

Lining up with old and new deep-dish comfort techniques, Bunny Williams Inc. has established few amazing architectural pieces. She has a unique design philosophy to work upon unique views on architecture and then let her creative juices flow to create enlightening art pieces. Hence it ends up in building interesting designs while making a distinguished approach, whether it is urban or rural project.

  1.  Deborah Berke Partners

She has the ability to think innovative and design confident spaces for residential, commercial, institutes, private homes and the endless list where their clients can enjoy life-enriching experiences. Her next upcoming projects include museum based hotel which would be rightly included in her book on residential projects.



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Calendar August 6, 2016 04:11

Top Eight Architectural Design Studios in India

According to the increasing scenario of architecture in India, there has been a noticeable growth in this industry. The designs and concepts has raised its level internationally and thus making it recognized world over. Indian Architectural Design field has been part of “Awards” and the disciplines taught here has been selected to be put upon International level books, guides & magazines.

Taking a closer look towards it, a number of adept people of architectural field have opened up wings for the students and newbie’s who wish to be a part of the industry. A good design is a mirror of healthy time, smart work, enhanced project management level, culture and lastly; startling implementation at each phase. With the changing era, the language of design has taken a toll while taking it to digital communication world.

Let’s have a sneak peek in the world of “Architecture” combined with modern art; of course we belong to 21st century!

All of them have been moving across best technical standards with the base of fresh conceptual design, Varied experiments with the space to make it look alike your dream looks; be it your office, house or hotel/restaurant/lounge bar.

  1. Studio 69

Having a group of talented architectural professionals, this firm has got good ranking from the market, in past few years. Having a crystal strategy of preparing design and then taking the approved concept to implementation level has made their brand name remarkable not only in Bangalore, but elsewhere too. Being a full-fledged firm of Architect and Interior Design, they offer effective solutions and ensure on-time completion of the projects.

  1. Planet 3 Studios

This firm has been ranked ahead because of its inventive thinking, high-end approach towards technology touched with latest designs. The two smart founders; Santha Gour Mattoo and Kalhan Mattoo has built up a huge portfolio that consists of buildings, plots, schools & colleges, retail outlets & shops, spas & resorts, hotels & restaurants and other industrial projects. Moreover, this firm has been thinking on the terms of environment sustainability where in they utilize the design via apt technologies and labour locally.

  1. Yantram Studio

Here at Yantram Studio, the creative and technical staff has been trained under the supervision of experts for various aspects such as:

  • Project Development
  • Visualization
  • Design
  • Execution

It has earned fame for its specialized 3D Design, Interior Design, Architecture, Modeling and Animation. The 360 Degree Panoramic Tour and Product Modeling is very diversified and contemporary in its structure. And this has certainly extended its arms towards accomplishing huge projects successfully.

  1. ZZ Architects

Lead by a team of two talented guys, Zubin Zainuddin and Krupa Zubin, ZZA has made its name to the list of top ten Architectural and Interior Design Firms of India. Having a team of more than 50 such people, they believe in making extensive use of CAD as well as 3D Modeling to increase their potentiality and making optimum use of latest tools & techniques. ZZA has offered its services to commercial, exhibitions, residential, institutes, salons, etc. with highly creative concepts edged with master planning.

  1. Studio Essemble

This firm has been welcoming amateurs along with graduates having minimal approach towards architecture & interior design industry. They possess the strength of:

  • Urban Development
  • Interior Works
  • Unique Design

With a view of making the space having an ideal architecture, this firm has gone up for transforming each design opportunity to reality. They have designed and prepared models ranging from old to urban new landscapes and residential remodels too. Additionally they also provide internship opportunities.

6. Mindspace Architects

This firm is owned and guided by Mr. Sanjay Mohe & his super amazing team of experts under him to work upon projects, they showcase splendid work. Having around 30 years of immse experience in architectural field, their work has been recognized for National as well as International Awards. It has a strong portfolio for making research labs, residential plots & projects and IT plots.

  1. Abin Design Studio

This studio has earned plenty of accolades; covering national as well as international up head.  It believes in previewing and then making an artistic expression which people can really immerse into! They develop their projects with a finesse touch to effect it to realm!

  1. Urban Studio

Pronit Nath and Amisha Thanawala are two master minds behind this firm’s success. Their designs simply focus upon simplicity, elegance and not to forget the feature of “cultural mutation”. They too are socially responsible for their designs with are replica of the imaginative world with minutest of master planning over the space.

There are a lot of firms in India who are headed by professional architectural heads has developed to its peak with the base of establishing a pillar of sustainability over latest technology.


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Calendar July 29, 2016 01:50

360 Degree Video – Succeeding Platform for Tomorrow

360 degree filmography has taken up a huge rise in the market these days. It says, “Turn on your device, navigate through and explore the world of 360 degree videos!” Like a magician moving his stick round and showcasing his next conjuring trick, the immersive video would make you take a tour.

360 degree video – For the Internet

360 degree video has created a buzz word in the media industry this year. Photos and videos are popping up the screens that include social media platforms such as YouTube, Face book, etc. Audience would be spell bound to watch matches, movies and their favorite shows via this amazing technology. The views taken via this camera captures every minute in such a way that the viewer feels captured in the middle of action. Certainly, an individual would get

A tool for various platforms

Facebook has announced 360-degree video support that would showcase all the viewing angles through which the user can watch while changing mouse’s directions. Notably, the user needs to have latest web browser version; Chrome and Firefox. But Internet Explorer and Safari browsers do not support videos on Face book. Second ranks the cell phone screens giving the users a brand new video streaming experience with just a click!

Experts Speak

Digital Media Experts have been racing hard time & out for 360 degree video for giving the end users; an exceptional experience. They have been working since pretty long period on two major technical factors say; camera recording the videos and the flow of sharing & viewing them.

Let us have a sneak peek into the origin of 360 degree video invention era!

Going back to the years where the lenses got invented and then the staircase of its development till today. The so-called “fish-eye” lens was developed back in 1920’s, which clicked and showcased wider angle of video views. But here again the main scene got trapped as the video was visually not clear enough. Nonetheless, the video experts kept trying based upon panoramic photo techniques, camera setups and cameras fitted with mirrors for enhanced views.

One of the latest examples we can take of GoPro at the Google I/O Conference conducted in May 2015,where multiple videos and images were captured and those were digitally stitched together to gain the effect of 360 degree.

Higher Resolution by 360 degree

ImmerVision has invented the panomorph lens which is one of the key parts for streaming 360 degree videos. It is utilized for optical distortion to magnify zones of interest inside the image as well as to fetch higher resolution. Then video or an image is displayed via software. And finally the video runs with good resolution over the laptop screen or mobile. Can take an example of football match being broadcasted where the viewers can watch each goal made sitting live, at their home. Clarity of the images is necessary while online video streaming as it is one of the vital aspects when it comes to online video watching; elevated video performance. Video conferencing can be the best suited example here where in the cameras must be set in such a way that the conference members can watch faces clearly while having the conversation.

With the passage of time, the cameras too have upgraded with newest technology where the methods of encoding and transcoding videos take up their level to 360 degree face. Not only to the laptop screens but also to mobiles, PC browsers and VR headsets. According to the statistics by ZenithOptimedia, half number from the overall video viewers would be mobile users by the end of 2016. For making the possibilities higher of 360 degree videos watching scenario, the operators have been recommended for 4k or 6k capture devices that have higher transcoding solutions; such as those offered by Vantrix. They assist in viewing 360 degree videos to a wide variety of devices with high resolutions in real time.

The advancement in technology has not stopped here but it has been giving improvised versions of softwares, processors, systems, lenses where in their storage as well as usage capacity has increased lot more. Eventually, it has been making 360 degree video streaming more realistic!


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Calendar May 1, 2016 05:13

Eye-Catching Temple of Architectural Exterior Design

Eye-Catching Temple of 3D Architectural Exterior Design Rendering
Orphanage Exterior Design Rendering
Yantram Studio is one of the leading 3D Architectural Animation studio providing HD quality Architectural Rendering Services at low cost. Our Eye-Catching Temple of 3D Architectural Exterior Design for Hindu Temple of next generation temples, Which will have Orphanage, Garden Area and Large parking Area. This will help you to present and close the deal better by presenting before the client a 3D view of the property.

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Calendar March 14, 2016 07:36

Augmented Reality is found Everywhere in the Business World

With the phrase “World is evolving!” I am not only pointing towards the technology advancement but also the aftermath. With the advancement in technology, we too have changed our working tips and tricks. Yes, we agree with the fact that we are inclined to new technology and taking few good steps to make our business and brand reach to the targeted audience.

In fact saying inclined to new technology we should say  We are going 3D! isn’t so?

I am here talking about how Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has walked into the business and trapped people in the fantasy of feel and touch.

AR Technology

Augmented Reality is a technology connecting the real world with the virtual world overlaying the real-time camera view of your smartphones, tablets, PC and wearable headsets.

It’s usage has been seen everywhere. Businesses are now using the simple but effective strategy to reach to its people “What we see, we believe!” Starting from architectural visualization, interior designing to game development and digital marketing, AR Technology has covered them all.

More than enterprise applications, a trend of games is ruling the business. Developing games using AR technology creates an immersive experience like driving your own car in your room!

Augmented Reality to media and marketing is not popular, still you can hear some voices of AR in these fields.

In interiors and constructions, the use of Augmented Reality is trending.

 Augmented Reality Devices

Augmented Reality is used on all screens and connected devices. On smartphones and tablets it feels like heaven. One can discover hundreds of AR applications available on Google and iTunes store.

Now-a-days, smart TV is also in use. With PC and smart TV, AR works with a webcam which is quiet cumbersome yet the experience is really awesome.

What can be said about the wearable devices? You just need to feel the change when you use these devices for any AR apps.

Augmented Reality Companies

Best practices

To improve the overall growth of your business, the trump card is Augmented Reality.

For developers, if you want to create an app or game using AR technology, AR SDK is right available.

Need to create an interactive print campaign with Augmented Reality features? Add a clear call-to-action on your print and use an existing Augmented Reality viewer before investing time and money in your own app.

Concluding with the best practices of AR, I would say, the era of AR will not end soon, it will last for long.

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Calendar February 6, 2016 06:45

Outsource 3D Visualization Services Corporation Offers a Variety of Event Equipment

3D Exterior CGI Design View for Residential home
3D Exterior CGI Design View for Residential home

3D visualization services are a main beneficial method for today’s construction industry. With the help of these services you can get a clear idea about your building before its actual construction. There are lots of services available in the market today like 3d rendering and 3d design services which can help you to visualize your building clearly.

3D Architectural Visualization

Audio visual services corporation offers all types of staging services, audiovisual equipment rentals to hotels, production companies, and corporations. These companies are responsible for accurate setup and efficient operation of intermediate event technology equipment.

3D Exterior Courtyard Design Rendering
3D Exterior Courtyard Design Rendering

The main advantage of these services is that it can easily modify for specific customer requirements much before the actual construction take place in reality. Architectural 3D Visualization services can help you out to make a decision on realistic color for your building’s interiors and exteriors. You’ll have a best proposal for your exteriors mistreatment exterior visual image services and you’ll do of these by the assistance of 3D service.

Architectural Visualization Studio

These companies promise to deliver the best overall value proposition in terms of cost, integration flexibility, and user adoption. They have expertise and a passion for serving to others, guaranteeing client satisfaction. Their services mainly include providing complete audiovisual and technical support to meetings, conventions, trade shows and several alternative events.

3D Exterior Design Rendering for Gaming Area
3D Exterior Design Rendering for Gaming Area


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Calendar January 19, 2016 06:21

3D Architectural Animation – Ultimate Marketing Tool for Real Estate Industry

Architectural animation is a short architectural movie created on computer. It is a sequence of hundreds of images artificially created by computer and assembled it for creating like a real movie. Computer-created environment can also be used around the building to enhance reality and to better express its connection to the surrounding area.


Click to view slideshow.

3D Architectural Animation has a really bright future as more and more architects and developers are including Architectural Animation as vital marketing tool. It is become now the best marketing tool for real estate industry. Now every architects firms are using Architectural Animation as marketing tool for commercial and residential properties, hotel and retail buildings to attracts investors and customers.


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Calendar December 22, 2015 08:28

VIRTUAL (Interactive) 3D FLOOR PLAN – Best Property Marketing Tool

3D Floor Plan Design For Modern Home
3D Floor Plan Design For Modern Home

Before coming to Interactive visualization and 3D Interactive Floor Plan and Virtual Reality Technology in the real estate business. Yantram Studio would like to enlighten the area of 3D Floor Plan.

3D Floor Plan, in the visualization world, always have upper hand among other available ways of visualization whether its’ part of planning or marketing tool. In other words, the first thing user can feel about property would be Floor Plan of the property whether it’s commercial or residential or condos….

3D Floor Plan Visualization
3D Floor Plan Visualization

Coming to Interactive past of visualization , Imagine that if we are going to book a plan ticket in the airline and choosing between two airlines , one giving online facility to Interact us to choose seat in the Air Craft , Giving facility for Online Boarding Pass and other services without any charges , what you would like to go for ? However it’s way far example but in daily life, Interactive visualization plays very salient role and its future and that’s why….

3D Luxury Floor Plans Design for Residential Home
3D Luxury Floor Plans Design for Residential Home

3D Interactive and Virtual Reality, who gives user a chance to interact, & recent studies indicates the property websites gets very high response for virtual buyers scheduling an appointment compare to the other websites of the competitors. Yantram Studio, believes, this tool will manifold the sales and help the real estate developers, property management companies, agencies and users to expedite the process of buying and rental Process of property.

Floor Plan for 3d Modern Home With Parking Slot
Floor Plan for 3d Modern Home With Parking Slot

So the Transition in the Visualization Technology in form of 3D Interactive Floor Plan will change the Equations of real estate market & will create a Win-Win Situation with the integration of Immersive & Interactive Visualization Techniques.

Contact us to create your effective yet cost effective real estate marketing tool.
Email :

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Calendar December 13, 2015 05:10

Visualize your modern bathroom design with Yantram

Is designing your own Bathroom in your mind?? Take a look at the design inspired by Parsian modern lifestyle which gives a serene and calm look to your bathroom.

3D Bathroom Interior Design Rendering
3D Bathroom Interior Design Rendering

This modern bathroom design speaks all about the Parsian lifestyle.Its interior is also quiet rejuvenated and reviving. Starting with stepping in the bathroom is the huge rectangular mirror hung horizontally that provides you with a complete reflection. The oval shaped flat basins placed on the top which solves the problem of miscalculation of cutting down the marble, leaves a wow impression. Moving at the bottom of it, is the white painted storage cabinet. The gray marble flooring adds warmth while the grey texture of the walls amalgamate with the interior giving a complete Parsian look to the bathroom design.

Bathroom Design Rendering
Bathroom Design Rendering

The next section of the bathroom is partitioned with a huge glass door and a divider which is decor with grey tiles. The interior of the bathroom is simple yet royal because of the white colour used in the ceiling and bathroom accessories.

We, at Yantram give a shape to the creative ideas useful in Interior Architectural Design, bathroom interior design, home interiors etc. We create 3D interior visualization of your home and make you virtually tour and feel the essence of your imagination.

Residential 3D Interior cgi Bathrrom
Residential 3D Interior cgi Bathrrom

Want to take a look on more of bathroom designs that signifies a modern look, Check this out !!!

Do you have any ideas to interior your home or bathroom? Share it with us. We will design it for you in a 3D way and give you a clear picture of it.


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Calendar March 18, 2015 01:00

Virtual Reality – How Far Can It Go Beyond Gaming?


Virtual Reality

A decade ago, operating phones simply with touch seemed too good to be true. But, thanks to technology that dream finally came true. However, smartphones are not the only privilege that technology has given to mankind. With smartphones came myriad of other opportunities. In the tech world, initiation of one mechanism opens up ways for many other ones. Currently, it is ‘virtual reality’ that has grabbed attention of tech gurus and aims to form another discipline of the tech world.

People who are fully into the worlds of gaming and entertainment are known to it, but it is still a handful who are fully aware of it, and even fewer people who actually know its potential. While some say that its usage will stay limited to games and entertainment, others believe that there is way too much that can be accomplished with virtual reality Mexico. Before we assess how far can virtual reality Moscow actually extend, let us first catch a brief idea about the term.

Application Based VR
Application Based VR

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Also known as immersive multimedia, virtual reality refers to a computer-simulated, artificial environment that imitates a real environment. With the help of software, it is presented to the user in a way that he actually believes himself to be in a real world. Its experience is primarily based on two senses namely sound and sight. The most common example of VR is a 3D image explored at a personal computer. The 3D image can be manipulated by the end user through keys or the mouse. User can zoom in and out of the image and can also make the image move in a desired direction.

Apart from the 3D image, there are more sophisticated and advanced forms of virtual reality which can be experienced through special stereotypic displays, wearable gadgets like headsets and haptic systems. At the present, VR basically serves two purposes:

– Give a simulated real environment which can be extremely effective for training

– Make a game more interesting through imagined environment

Exterior Virtual Reality
Exterior Virtual Reality

Extension of Virtual Reality Beyond Gaming

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a history of acquiring thriving environment of tech world. After WhatsApp, Zuckerberg turned his attention towards Oculus. He acquired Oculus for $2 billion claiming that he wishes to give VR whole new dimensions besides its typecast use. The first thought that crossed minds were whether this acquisition meant that VR can be used for social interaction. Sure enough, given Facebook’s role in marketing purpose, it can also give marketers quick and easy insights on their campaigns.

Couple of applications is already in the design phase. A team at the Zurich University of Arts is using Oculus headset for building an app called ‘Virtual Birdman’. According to a Bloomberg post, this team paired Oculus VR headset with ceiling fan and a chair. The objective is to give users an experience that makes them feel like they are soaring like birds. The next in line is ‘Very Infectious’.

Exterior Virtual Reality Services
Exterior Virtual Reality Services

Now, this application made use of Oculus to create a world where computer programmers can code and watch the results of coding simultaneously, as done by coder Brian Peiris. With such groundbreaking applications already in use, VR certainly indicates ‘extension’. But how far that will go still remains a question that can only be answered once VR starts showing full-fledged use in other fields.

How Promising is the Future?

Virtual Reality is in its nascent period, and it will certainly take few years to reach the critical mass. Though its beginning had been crude, its future is enormous. If under the guidance of Zuckerberg, this technology can triumph, then users will be able to get transported anywhere by actually going nowhere. VR surely does have a lot in stock to offer but that will require thorough polishing of this technology and of course, immense patience.

Yantram Studio also Offer 3D Architectural Exterior Rendering, 3D Interior Design , 3D Walkthrough Animation, 2D – 3D Floor Plan, Augmented Reality, 3D Product Modeling, 3d medical animation, 360 Panoramic Virtual Tour, CAD Drafting Services, Animation Video Productions.


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Calendar January 6, 2015 23:09

Augmented Reality (AR) – A Quickly Growing New Age Technology

Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) gives a live view of a physical, real world environment whose elements augmented by computer generated input like sound, video, information, graphics, or GPS data. This AR technology is closer to the real world. Augmented reality is varying the way we view the world. AR technology is growing quickly and some of the fields such as a Education, Training, Entertainment, Medicine and Real estate already adapted this technology Augmented Reality Apps work on smartphones, tablets, Television and smart glasses to create interactive experiences using particular software.

Education Augmented Reality Application
Augmented Reality Application

See some of the usage of Augmented Reality:

  • AR Technology is most used for Real Estate industry now days.
  • This technology is also used for industrial maintenance.
  • Facility for education, Training and many more.
  • Stimulate Brand Recognition with Social Augmented Reality Games.
  • Elevate location-based services to new dimensions with mobile AR system.

Yantram 3D Animation Studio Team is having experienced and highly -qualified AR Programmers for Augmented Reality Application Development who got die hard passion to create the best app for the brand which flourishes across the world.

Face Tracking Augmented Reality

Yantram Architectural Design Studio also Offer 3D Architectural Exterior Animation, 3D Interior Animation, 3D Walkthrough, 2D – 3D Floor Plan, Virtual Reality, 3d medical animation, 3D Product Modeling, 360 Panoramic Virtual Tour, CAD Drafting Services, Animation Video Productions.


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3D Exterior Rendering Services

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3D Interior Rendering

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